Paul Konweiser

Paul has been a volunteer at the Roundhouse since 2011. He has been assisting the staff with various maintenance projects, leading to his selection as a Board member in 2014.
After graduation from Rutgers, he was a systems programmer for IBM. Following a stint as a hog farmer in Central America, Paul was an information technology consultant for various Fortune 500 companies in Latin America and in the U.S.
Upon retirement, he began a second career as producer of the weekly Masters of Hawaiian Slack Key Guitar concert series on Maui, winning four Grammys among other awards. He is the author of two collections of stories from the life of Hawaiian musician George Kahumoku, Jr. A former church organist, he enjoys playing ragtime piano and Hawaiian slack key guitar.
Paul has lived in Manhattan Beach for more than 40 years. His son David, a noted architect, and two grandchildren reside in Costa Rica.