Warty Sea Cucumber

Warty Sea Cucumber

Parastichopus parvimensis: The sea cucumber, which is a relative of the sea star and sea urchin, has the ability to regenerate parts of its body. When a sea cucumber feels threatened, it will “throw up” parts of its guts. The sea cucumber can escape and will...
Bat Star

Bat Star

Pitiria miniata: Bat stars are a species of sea star that are commonly found in Southern California tidepools! Just like other sea stars, the bat star has the ability to regenerate, or re-grow, limbs! It also eats by pushing its stomach out and digesting its food...
Moray Eel

Moray Eel

Gymnothorax mordax: Moray eels are the only “true eel” that you can find in southern California which means they do not have pelvic or pectoral fins. Moray eels are equipped with a set of very sharp teeth as well as a set of pharyngeal teeth in the throat that can...
California Spiny Lobster

California Spiny Lobster

Panulirus interruptus: When you look at the California spiny lobster, you may notice something missing: the claws! Unlike the east coast Maine lobster, the California spiny lobster does not have any claws. Instead it has lots of spines all over its body to protect...
Strawberry Anemones

Strawberry Anemones

Corynactus californica: These are not actually sea anemones, but rather a species of soft coral! They are often found growing on rocks in large clusters. Strawberry anemones can reproduce by cloning themselves, which means that all anemones on a rock cluster are...

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